Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hellooo 2013!

I have always been one to think that the New Year brings about a fresh start.  A fresh start to create yourself, to pay off that debt, get back into be a brand new person!  In thinking about that, I realized that maybe it was just a cop out to become lazy towards the end of the year.  The "I'll start in January" was only an excuse I told myself when I ate that chocolate chip cookie or skipped that workout.  We aren't just granted a fresh start on January 1st...we are granted one EVERY morning.  In the past I have always made ridiculously long and absurd resolutions, some including: losing 50lbs in 6 months, paying off all my debt, never drinking soda again, working out every single day....blah blah blah.

Did those resolutions happen? Nope.  Did I continue to make them every year? Yup.  Did this year change? YES! I have made resolutions, only two...but these resolutions are different.  I am not trying to change myself with these resolutions, they are simply two activities that are going to make me genuinely happy. Want to know them??? Well dun dun dun.... 1. Go to the beach once a week, and 2. Make Sunday a true "Funday."

The reason why I chose to go to the beach once a week is because I love the ocean, but I never go! I don't know why I don't, maybe its out of laziness? Regardless of my nonexistent reason, this will force me to go to a place one a week that I can think, relax, and soak in every minute. I don't know about you, but the beach has always been a refuge for me, a place where I can go and be alone with the salty air, the roaring waves, and with my deep inner thoughts.  A place where I go when I am feeling down, and a place where I go when I am stoked on life!! Also, I chose this resolution because I am trying to move away from California, someplace not on the coast.  So I want to soak in the beautiful coast as much as I can before I eventually leave.

My second resolution really has to do with time management.  I am that person who is always "busy" yet doesn't get that much stuff done.  By making Sundays a day where I have no homework, no workouts, no Beachbody, and no desk-job, I will enable myself some time to wind down and actually RELAX! I don't know how to relax!! How sad is that?! This will also be a day for me to catch up with friends and hang out with those I usually don't have time with.  I think this resolution will not only make me happier, but it will force me to better manage my time (sneaky me hehe)!

The reason why I chose not to make losing weight a resolution of mine this year is because it is already a goal of mine...a goal that I have been actively working towards.  Yes, I did give in a eat my heart's desire out this holiday season, and I did give into my lazy self by skipping workouts.  But I learned from it's consequences and it won't happen again! Also, when I used to make weight-loss a resolution in the past, it never happened for me.  So by continuing to make it a goal and continaully work towards my goal weight will keep me on track!

Along with weight lose being one of my goals, I have made a dream board of what I am GOING to achieve this year.  I am going to make 2013 MY YEAR!

My 10 BIG goals for this year:
1. Have a successful blog- meaning that I am consistent in my posts and have a following of people who are inspired.
2. Become a better surfer- try to paddle out more than twice a year and really enjoy the feeling I get from standing up and surfing a nice wave.
3. Be in the Les Mils COMBAT informercial- since I was in Tae Kwon-Do for 7 years, I have a passion for martial arts, and to be able to have results from it that others can be inspired by would be AWESOME!
4. Be at my goal weight of 150lbs (I am changing that date to April 1st).
5. Become a Diamond Beachbody Coach by my birthday.
6. Maintain a 3.5 GPA in Grad School.
7. Run the Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon.
8. Earn $20,000 from Beachbody this year.
9. Hit Success Club 5 EVERY month.
10. Qualify for the Success Club Trip in 2014.

Besides my two resolutions and 10 goals, I have decided upon a word in which I am going to focus on this year.  That word is CONSISTENCY.  I chose that word because I am that person who starts off strong and then tapers off, the one who's a big talker but horrible at follow through.  But I am through with that person, and am ready to commit to becoming more consistent, and so far this year I have been! Since I was not a good girl this year and gave in to my cravings I gained a whooping 9lbs over the holiday season. NINE POUNDS!! I put that one in TWO weeks and it took me one whole month to take it off. So since I put it on, I had to take it off. So I decided to do the 3-day Shakology cleanse.

I stuck to my word, and I was consistent.  I actually finished it without cheating! That is HUGE for me! And my hard work paid off, I lost all but 2 lbs that I put on. Here are my results:

If you are interested in doing the Shakeology cleanse and losing those stubborn 5 lbs, or even to kick start your weight-loss journey, then email me at and I will help you get started!!

Today was Super Saturday, its an event that is once a quarter for Beachbody, where coaches all around the country get together and learn about new promotions and just general things that's going on in the Beachbody world. Well, today was a big one because we FINALLY found out where the Success Club 2014 trip is- the trip that I am going to qualify for this year. Drum roll please...... The trip will be a 6-day, 5-night Royal Caribbean Cruise to Cozomel and the Grand Cayman Islands!!! The best part is that it will be FREE for me and my choice of guest!! Not to mention, Beachbody booked the entire ship so it will be full of people who are passionate for helping others!! SOOOO flipping excited for this because I will be there.  In fact I even reserved my Ocean View Cabin tonight!

This is truly going to be a life changing year.  I can feel it in my bones!! And I am excited to start sharing more of my progress photos, adventures, and recipes on here for you to try! If you are looking for help in beginning a new chapter in your life, whether its weight loss, or becoming debt-free, or just looking for a job where you can help others to be the best them, email me and I will help you in achieving those goals!

Goodbye 2012, you were a great and memorable year, but hellllloooo 2013!! 

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