Monday, August 11, 2014

Berry Crunch in a Cup

H A P P Y  M O N D A Y!!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Mine was exceptionally fantastic because I went White Water Rafting! I will show some pictures and share my experience later this week.

Has this been a productive day for you?  For me it has!  I woke up at 4:00am this morning and I swear that it helped me to be more awake and alert throughout the day.  Who would've thunk?!

You should try it sometime ;)

I am pretty excited for this recipe.  It is so delicious that I am drinking it as I am writing this post. It's that good!

Did you have a favorite cereal growing up?  I did, it was Berry Crunch.

I mean look at that picture.  Don't those colors bring back memories?  I LOVED Berry Crunch.  To me it was the best cereal out there.  The only thing that I did not like about it was the way it made the roof of my mouth feel.  Did you ever experience that?  The roof of my mouth would smooth out and almost have a film over it after eating the cereal.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who experienced this.  Cause then I'd feel like a weirdo.

That was my flavor of childhood. 

Flash forward a couple of years and I am a Barista at Starbucks learning the "Secret Menu."  You know, those drinks that aren't shown on the actual menu?

Thus,  I learned how to make a Berry Crunch Frappuccino.

Drinking that cereal flavor was heavenly.  But the only problem was- it was a bazillion calories. I'd bet that there was more calories in a Grande Berry Crunch Frappuccino then there would be in a bowl of Berry Crunch with 2% milk.

And that brings me to now.  

I have made a decision to not go grocery shopping until I have eaten all the food in my fridge and cupboard (with the exception of milk and juice).  And that means that I am pretty much living off of Shakeology right now.

Which is great because with every shake I get a full day's serving of fruits, vegetables, and nutrients.  Not bad, eh?  But it does kinda suck when you are not fond of a particular flavor.  And for me, I have never been much of a strawberry fan...and guess what flavor I have the most of??

So, trying to eat only what you have makes for a creative mind.  And then it clicked!  Why not try to create a SUPER healthy Berry Crunch shake?

And so began my experiment...

- Strawberry Shakeology 
- 1/2 cup Milk (your choice, although I have not tried with non-dairy)
- 2 TBSP Dark Chocolate Chips (Ghirardelli tastes the best)
- 1 tsp. Hazelnut Syrup 
- 1 cup cold water
- Ice to taste

Mix all in a blender!

I hope you like it as much as I do, and I hope it brings back yummy memories (without that weird feeling on the roof of your mouth)!

If you try it, I'd love to hear what you think about it!

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