Sunday, February 24, 2013

Organizing Cords

So for those of you who don't really know me, I am OCD.  Yes, I am confessing that I am a full-time, crazy perfectionist.  I'm a perfectionist with basically ANYTHING.  My desk at work is immaculate, if something is out of order, I see it immediately and I have to fix it before moving on.  I love to organize, but it takes me forever because everything needs to be perfect before I can finally be satisfied.

Is anyone else like this?

Bueller. Bueller.

Okay, maybe not a lot of people are like me.  You all might like to spend your time doing other things than organizing.  But for me, I LOVE IT!! Organizing gives me joy.  It helps me to feel accomplished, and proudly show off possessions in a neatly manner.  It also helps me to become more efficient in every aspect of life, especially work.

So I have decided to share with you all my new journey of organizing my life!! Haha you would think as a perfectionist it would already be organized, but being a perfectionist means that I can improve upon my already "perfect" set-up.  My main reason for wanting to start documenting and exploring new ways to organize my life is from a verse that I read from the Bible. "His master replied, 'Well done good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share in your master's happiness!'"

I currently live at home and am not ashamed.  This has been a time for me to really save some money and pay off my debt.  And while I read that verse I thought to myself "if I can't even keep my room clean and organized, how is God going to trust in me to have a house?!" So right then and there I have decided to reorganize and redecorate my room! I want to be faithful with the 9x11 space I have now. But my dilemma is that within this space is my room (which I want to be my haven) is also my office.  So  its going to be tricky to incorporate the two, but I am very excited!!

And not only am I going to keep you all updated on my room, but I am going to reorganize my finances, my business, and even my car!! Why yes, I am going to share some tools and tricks with keeping things in your life organized to help you live a stress-free and efficient organized happy life!!

So on to the post!!

With today's technology comes ALOT of cords.  Cords just bother me.  I don't like seeing them, I don't like touching them with my feet under my desk, and I absolutely LOATHE untangling my cords every time I need to charge my kindle.  Therefore, I decided to organize them.  Woah, what a concept Christine!!

The first step is to find some media boxes (or any kind that you choose) to use for this project. I decided to clean out one of these boxes to use for this project.

Step 2, is to untangle your cords and separate them.

Step 3 is to find some cardboard, cut it to the measurements of your box. And then piece together.

Step 4 is to cover that ugly brown cardboard with some pretty paper.

Step 5 is to label every cell so you know where each cords belongs (yes, this is detailed organization!)

Step 6 is to insert your cords in the appropriate boxes and enjoy!!

Hope this gives you an idea of how organizing something so simple as cords can help save time in the long run!

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