Monday, September 8, 2014

The "Leftovers" Casserole

Happy Happy Monday!

Whew it feels good to be back on here with you wonderful people!

Did you have a great Labor Day Weekend?

I sure did, and I feel like I gained a few pounds.  Good thing I am on the 3-Day Refresh.  I'll share my experience on Friday.

I am pretty excited about today's recipe- because there really is no recipe.  Well isn't that an oxymoron? That's what is so great about this casserole!

This non-recipe recipe (does that label work?) is inspired by my boyfriend Jordan's mother.

One night about two weeks ago, Jordan and I were deciding on what to eat, and I really wanted to use what we had at home rather than going out and spending money. Jordan then suggested we make a casserole out of all the food we had in the fridge.

Seems kinda gross huh?  I thought so at too at first. 

But in my attempt to eat all the food in the fridge before I went on vacation, I agreed.  He then told me his mom does this all the time.  She's a great cook, so then I agreed even more.

The key ingredient to this casserole is a can of Cream of Mushroom Soup. If you have everything but the Cream of Mushroom, I would spend the money on it so you can make this.

This is what we had on hand that we threw together in the casserole:
- Cooked egg noodles
- Rotisserie Chicken
- Sour Cream
-Homemade Almond Milk
- Parmesan Cheese
- Colby Jack Cheese
- Frozen Peas
- Cream of Mushroom

We looked at what we had and threw everything into a bowl and mixed together (no measuring!).  We then threw it into a greased pan and threw some cheese on top and baked at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.

Boy, this was DELICIOUS!! It tasted like someone had put thought into the casserole.  It tasted like a casserole someone would ask the recipe for.

Now, you can pretty much use anything in that casserole that you like, just make sure you have the soup!

I by no means, condone this meal as healthy.  Actually it is super Unhealthy; however, sometimes you just need to save money and not be wasteful.  So if you make this maybe once every other week to clean out your fridge, you'll be fine.

Hopefully this inspires you to make something at home rather than eating out!


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